Dear friends,
Our March 10th brunch went very well – we raised $2,100 towards the archive expenses. There was an enthusiastic discussion about the archive’s possible new homes, and more discussion regarding future Tom projects and more fundraising. The festival of Tom’s plays is set to happen in the Spring of 2014. Erin Courtney and Scott Adkins are heading that up if you want to get involved. Thank you all so much! If you care to donate: go to, look in the menu for “Artist Directory,” Search for “Legacy of Alien Comic.” There will be a donate button with instructions for both credit card and check donations. If you want to be kept in the loop about everything going forward, just let me know. Feel free to forward this invite to anyone you think might like to come or donate.
Thanks so much and happy Tom to us all,
675 Hudson Street #5s
btw 13 and 14 streets
1 – 3 PM