Freedom Gives Rise to Many Innovations - Hong Kong Standard - January 21, 1978
Crazy, fun, ahead of his time - Asahi Evening News, Tokyo - January 4, 1974
For Tom Murrin Playing it Straight Isn't Part of the Act - The Asian Wall Street Journal - January 9, 1978
Language no barrier to strolling player - South China Morning Post - February 11, 1976
Oil and Trash - Lady Bug and Tom Trash Murrin - Mated in Madness - The Soho Weekly News - November 9, 1978
Trash actor Tom Murrin and future shock - Hongkong Standard, January 13, 1978
Alien Comic takes over L.A. - LA Weekly - January 7-13, 2005
The Alien Comic and his other worldly sense of humor. Photo by Dona Ann McAdams
Tom Murrin Impresses - The New Delhi Notebook - May 8, 1978